EARTH MOTHER (For The Midwife) - John Shane - click here to listen to a poem celebrating the mystery of birth
As chaos in ‘the world of men’ seems to threaten the rule of law & the rules-based international order, I offer you this poem celebrating the mystery of birth & the lifework of a wonderful woman…
To protect its mystery, I will not comment here on the imagery of this poem or on the technical aspects of the writing of it in the hours immediately after the birth of my daughter Jessie.
I think the emotions that I was feeling at the time are evident in the poem itself.
I invite you to immerse yourself in the sound of the words of the poem as I read them in the audio clip above and in the triumphant sound of the conch shell being blown in the audio clip that you’ll find below the written text of the poem…
CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON ABOVE at the right hand side of the page to listen to John Shane reading his poem…
(For The Midwife)
John Shane
For Liza Ward-Ramlow
midwife at the birth
of my daughter Jessie
at the Franklin County Hospital
in Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA
on October 17, 1985
I know
that I
- who do not
serve as you do -
Am not worthy
to hold a candle
to this vision, Liza
But when
the mist rises
- just for a moment -
I see you
on the shore
Where the
waves come
With all the power
of thunder
I am no stranger, Liza
to the threshold
Where the deep
gives up her
But I see
you know
the tides
of these
waters well
And can read
their ebb
and flow
Your eyes, like
those of Liberty
are staring out to sea
Your hands
are raised in
You hold
corn, grass
Squalls of wind
pull at your
drenched hair
- matted with wet weed -
You narrow your eyes
and strain to see
But the wind
blows strong
the mist
down and
Until you
lose sight
of even
And can
hear only
moans, howls
and grunts
I am not worthy
to sing this song
who do not serve
- as you do -
But I know
from waiting
on the Muse
That the moon
reigns over this
scene, Liza
And hers
is the power
That governs
this blood
Your feet are
on dry land
But your eyes
are out to sea
- half wise
half waif -
All the wonder
and the terror
Of the
Bear down
on you
as the storm
and rages
You feel as if
you are torn apart;
your face is wet
with tears
- half joy
- half pain
Every frontier
takes its toll, Liza
and those who wait
upon this shoreline
Are sometimes
As if drowning
in abundance
To stay so long
this close to the
Is somehow
more than anyone
can bear
For whole
We seem part
of the divine
Only to fall back
- exhausted -
the mundane
Unable to integrate
Into their essential
I am not worthy
- who only watch –
To do more
than offer
this song
But I see you
Raise the conch
to your lips, Liza
And sound it
Loud and
CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON ABOVE to listen to the sound of the conch being sounded….
what a passion and dept in your voice! thanks