The Way of the Poet - John Shane
On poetry & Meditation
A multimedia exploration of the ‘POETRY-MIND’, in written and spoken word posts using text, illustrative images, audio and video:
On the habit and discipline of the notation of consciousness, the practice of creative writing as a parallel process to the practice of meditation...
Could this journal of the history of my travels on the ‘pathless path’, The Way of the Poet, offer a window into the possibilities of combining the practice of creative writing & meditation in your life…?
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After I met my teacher the late Dzogchen Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, I dedicated the skills I had acquired working as a poet, songwriter, and teacher of creative writing to serving him either as his editor or translator, and I worked closely with him for many years to produce books of his teachings.
You can see photos of the covers of some of those books below…
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 1986 reading a copy of the first paperback edition of ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen’ that I edited and compiled for him, working closely with him for four years.
“..This book was the book that broke the ice of the Dzogchen teachings in the Western World. Prior to the publication of this book, there were no accessible, easy to understand, writings about Dzogchen for the general reader. Even though this book is accessible, its contents are nonetheless profound and lay out the context of the Dzogchen teachings in a clear manner…”
From a review of ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Light: Sutra, Tantra, And Dzoghchen’, by Acharya Malcolm Smith, translator from Tibetan of several Dzogchen tantras.
The front cover of the first paperback edition of ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Light’, published by Routledge And Kegan Paul (RKP).
Above you can see the inside of the front and rear covers of the first RKP edition of ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Light’, with author and editor photos and brief biographies of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu and myself.
The Snow Lion Publications edition of ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Night’, now published by Shambhala Publications after they acquired the Snow Lion imprint.
I have collaborated with other translators over years to ensure that ‘The Crystal And The Way Of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen’ would be translated into as many languages as possible, and below you can see photos of some of the covers of these other language editions…